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Secret Agents Future: Going Where There Be Dragons
Ken Stange
Published by Two Cultures Press (2014)

This final book on similarities and differences in creativity in the arts and the sciences is more speculative, for it attempts to extrapolate future developments in creative endeavour. The exponential growth in technology equips artists with new tools, and thus inevitably introduces them to the value of science in their own creative domain. Also considered are probable new forms of collaboration between artists and scientists. Its generally optimistic predictions are based on recent trends that suggest the pointless rift between science and art is finally being bridged.

Two Cultures Press (2014)
ISBN: 978-0-9939201-2-7
Softcover (6x9 inches) 226 pages.
Signed by author edition: $20 (with free shipping!)

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Secret Agents Future: Going Where There Be Dragons

Secret Agents Future: Going Where There Be Dragons (2014)


From the Prologue

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
—Eleanor Roosevelt

"I feel very adventurous. There are so many doors to be opened, and I'm not afraid to look behind them."
—Elizabeth Taylor

The future is an unopened door. There may be fire-breathing dragons waiting, but they'll only be guarding the portal to a new world.
Creativity involves opening that door, and, at least till now, it has led us to better place. However, the need to explore has to be greater than fear of the dangers and risks involved. Certainly the risks are real and many have been burned.

People who are creative may not be braver; they might just be more foolish. Ignoring risk is not necessarily admirably bold. However, it is unavoidable for accomplishing many things. (Certainly for some risk is innately appealing, but they are few.) We all take risks, because living life to its fullest is a risk. We choose our risks by the satisfaction it gives us, and our choices are not necessarily wise. Only for some is taking risks inherently satisfying; but for most it is just worth the satisfaction that requires it.
For what it’s worth, psychometric tests seem to suggest that the creative are less risk aversive than average. It is a prerequisite to exploring new territory. Columbus was not dissuaded from setting sail because of a fear of the warnings inscribed on early maps for uncharted areas: “Here Be Dragons”.

This final book in the Secret Agents trilogy is about the possible creative future that could be shaped by those who are willing to face the dragons.

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